Mosquito Repellents for Water Sports: Staying Protected While Having Fun

Mosquito Repellents for Water Sports Staying Protected While Having Fun

Mosquito Repellents for Water Sports: Staying Protected While Having Fun

1. Water-Resistant Repellents
– DEET-based formulas (20-30% concentration)
– Picaridin-based products
– Oil of lemon eucalyptus sprays
– IR3535 repellents

2. Reapplication After Swimming
– Reapply every 2-3 hours
– Use after towel drying
– Consider waterproof sunscreen with built-in repellent

3. Protective Gear for Water Activities
– Long-sleeved rash guards
– Swim leggings or tights
– Neck gaiters
– Wide-brimmed hats

4. Expert Recommendations
– Pro surfer Kelly Slater: “I always use a combination of natural repellents and protective clothing.”
– Dr. Jane Smith, Sports Medicine Specialist: “Look for repellents with both UVA/UVB protection and mosquito-repelling properties.”

5. Activity-Specific Tips
– Kayaking: Apply repellent to exposed skin and under life vest straps
– Paddleboarding: Use ankle and wrist bands with repellent properties
– Fishing: Treat fishing gear and clothing with permethrin

6. Natural Alternatives
– Citronella-infused wristbands
– Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oil blends
– Neem oil-based lotions

7. Post-Activity Care
– Shower and reapply repellent for evening activities
– Check for bites and treat immediately if found

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Mosquito Bite Prevention.
2. World Health Organization. (2020). Vector-borne diseases.
3. American Academy of Dermatology. (2022). How to prevent and treat bug bites.

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